Friday, November 25, 2011


Aidan and Kennedy loved every minute with their cousins this Thanksgiving! They all played so stinking cute! Aidan cried really hard when he had to say goodbye to Audrey, Maddie, Thomas, and Spencer. Now for a day of snuggles. My mom, Cashelle, and I went to Bath and Body Works for Black Friday it was crazy and fun! Full of giggles!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Very over due!!

Ok so i know that it has been over a year since I last posted anything. It has been such a busy year I don't even know where to begin. Things have changed quite a bit since last year. We have moved four times and been through four to five different employers. Adam is still going to school at UVU in orem. He is currently out of work and has been since the beginning of march. We are doing anything and everything in our power to find employment and could use a few prayers our way.
As for me I am still just Mom, I have applied to re-enter school and hopefully will hear from them shortly.
Daniel just had his second Birthday and is doing great. He loves to play, and would be outside all day if it was not for naps....
I know that is is not very much information, but I will try to get some more thoughts together and then I will post again. I will do my best to keep this updated from now on. But here are a couple of photos. I will probably post some more tomorrow!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Dear dad

Dear DAD:

There are so many things I wanted to say to you before I had to say goodbye but I waited too long and ran out of time. I also was not sure how to put them into words that made sense so I hope this helps you as well as me.

You were my hero I never told you this. You always seemed so strong I thought you could fight through anything with our help. It’s so hard to say goodbye to the man who held my hand through everything. And would still hold through if you had the choice I’m sorry I never really got the chance to say goodbye but I know It s not really goodbye it just for now and I will see you again.

I thought I could remind you of a few things that happened in the time I remember spending with you as a child.

Do you remember when I was little the first time you let me climb on the roof and that big wind storm came and mom freaked out. Or the time when I got stuck in the apple tree and mom couldn’t get me and I had to wait three hours for you to get me out.

Remember when you used to call me Pocahontas and I could never figure out why. or when all of use where little kids and you used to come down stairs and read us bed time stories and it would make me so mad that you would fall asleep or change the words to the story.

I remember sitting on your back and fighting with Betsy who was going to comb your hair and who was going to walk on your back to give you a massage. I remember those late nights that you worked at pioneer care center and I would walk to meet you and we would walk home and have long talks together.

I remember as a younger kid waiting for Thursday to come so that we could go to the DI together and look at all the toys you always love that.

I remember you teaching me how to drive and you always where scared to let me learn something new with it like driving on the freeway it freaked you out the first time I did it. Or the first time you had to let me drive on my own you told me to call you when I got to where I was going and before I left. Remember when we lived in New Mexico and I worked at sonic and I would always bring you a cherry dr. pepper. We also had many late night talks there as well.

As I got older and time changed me I never thought of you different you where always that man I thought was invincible and to have watched you in so much pain was hard. I know its hard to say but im glad you didn’t have to suffer long.

A few things you have taught me are never give up. Always work for what you want. And treat everyone equally.

It really breaks my heart that you had to go but I can’t wait for the day that I get to be with you again.

I love you dad you mean the world to me and that will never change. Love your baby girl sarah

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Just thought I would say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to DAVID!!!!!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Love the McGee's,
Josh, Catie,
Benjamin, & Baby

Our special Christmas Gift...

Hey everyone, I just thought I would share our happy news with ya'll!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Today is my sister Margaret's birthday. I was just thinking about the time our neighbor told her that because her birthday was on Friday the 13th she was going to die and she spent the rest of the day hiding in her room because she was so scarred. This story is a perfect example of Margaret. She is so believing; I have never known anyone to have so much faith. She has an amazing ability to love and trust everyone.

I remember another time when she was little...She was sitting in the driveway petting our neighbors cat when my mom called her in for dinner. Margaret didn't want to get up because she was afraid the cat might fall and get hurt. So she sat there with tears streaming down her face not knowing what to do. Margaret is still such a kind and nurturing person. No matter how much she needs, or wants, something, she will not "get up" if she thinks it might hurt someone else.

Happy Birthday Margaret. I hope you know how special you are to me. Have an amazing day!